Our e-Signing solutions – Sucess stories

Research shows us that on average a manually, paper-based document costs approximately $5.00 per document to produce.
That figure includes the complete life cycle of a document:

  • Production – the cost of paper, toner and inc
  • Handling – sending, copying, filing, transporting
  • Storage – scanning and archiving
  • Disposal – shredding and burning

But that is only part of the picture. Sometimes indirect costs can be even greater:

  • Time consuming and drain of resources
  • Potential for human error
  • Risk of fraudulent activity
  • No way to track conformation to regulatory compliance

For example: An organization with 200 employees, who signs an average of 500 documents annually will produce 100,000 documents. At an average cost of $5.00 per document, that’s $500,000 annually!

Review our success stories & learn how e-Signing solutions can help your business: