ComSignTrust™ e-Sign API


digital signature apiGet all the benefits of  the most advanced e-Sign API software tailored to your needs today!

ComSignTrust™ e-Sign API is a software development kit (SDK) that exposes an API to sign PDF and OpenXML based documents as well as a generic detached signature (PKCS#7) that can be applied to any file. Our e-Sign API enables integration with leading workflows and content management systems (such as Microsoft SharePoint) and enables production of digitally signed documents of all types – invoices, agreements, diagrams, forms, applications, letters and more – interfacing with any application and any format.

ComSignTrust™ e-Sign solutions have been developed to secure, automate and control all your document production to make it more beneficial and cost effective.

When you deploy ComSignTrust™ API, the ROI starts on day one

ComSignTrust™ e-Sign Benefits

  • Improve the efficiency of organizational data workflow
  • Save time, cost and resources of manual tasks
  • Eliminate future costs associated with document production, handling, storage and disposal
  • Reap immediate savings by going paperless
  • Free-up personnel to enable increased productivity
  • Mitigate the risks and costs associated with human error
  • Increase document security and privacy of your organization and of your consumers
  • Allow multiple signatures on one documents within a few minutes
  • Integrates with every PKI system like MS , Entrust, Verisign, RSA, etc.
  • Operates with every SSCD (Secure Signature Cryptographic Device)
  • Integrates with every smart card or e-token to secure keys
  • Built in time stamp client enableing accurate time verification of signing
  • Secure, cost-effective managed digital storage

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